Rolva Mashale

About Me

Hi, I'm Rolva Mashale, a passionate iOS Developer from South Africa. I specialize in building sleek and high-performance mobile applications, with a primary focus on iOS development. My expertise extends beyond iOS into cross-platform development, making me a versatile developer who blends creativity with technical proficiency.

I thrive on building user-friendly and scalable applications using modern frameworks such as Swift, UIKit, and SwiftUI. Additionally, my background in Android development ensures that I can work effectively across different platforms when needed.

What Drives Me?

I'm a lifelong learner who is passionate about solving complex problems with technology. My goal is to deliver mobile experiences that are not only functional but intuitive and enjoyable for users. Whether it’s coding a new feature or optimizing an existing one, I always strive to create clean and efficient code.

Core Values:

  • Innovation: Constantly pushing boundaries and seeking creative solutions to challenges.
  • Precision: Attention to detail in every aspect of code and design to ensure the best user experience.
  • Empathy: Understanding user needs to build applications that are intuitive and delightful.
  • Data-Driven: Leveraging data science to inform smarter, more impactful decision-making in app development.

Let's connect and collaborate on bringing innovative ideas to life!


Weather App

Weather App

An iOS app that fetches real-time weather data using OpenWeather API, built with Swift and UIKit. Features include location services and custom UI animations.

To-Do App

To-Do List App

A productivity app developed in SwiftUI that allows users to manage tasks. Features Core Data for offline persistence and reminders integration with notifications.

Android Fitness App

Fitness Tracker App (Android)

Built with Java and Firebase, this app tracks users' fitness activities and provides real-time analysis of workout sessions.

See more on GitHub

Contact Me

(+27)71 338 7578

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